Menu à la carte

Let’s start with …

  • Gnocco fritto (fried bread) with lard from Colonnata or Parma ham

    € 12,00
  • Tosted tuscan bread with liver

    € 12,00
  • Goat cheese pie with rocket salad and bresaola

    € 13,00
  • Veal Milanese style paté with veal cheek

    € 13,00
  • Asparagus pie on puree of shrimps

    € 13,00
  • Boiled octopus with potatoes and Ligurian olives

    € 13,00
  • Sea bass tartare on crispy bread zucchini

    € 13,00

…go on with first dish

  • Risotto Milanese style

    € 15,00
  • Risotto with sausage and Bonarda wine

    € 15,00
  • Risotto with forest-fruit and taleggio cheese cream

    € 16,00
  • Risotto with asparagus and courgette flowers

    € 15,00
  • Parmesan basket with tagliatelle, zucchini and saffron

    € 16,00
  • Risotto with apple and persico fish from lake

    € 17,00
  • Hand made black ravioli with sea bass on shrimps cream

    € 16,00
  • Handmade rocket gnocchi with swordfish and small tomatoes

    € 16,00

The second dish …

Our second plates are inclusive of vegetables

  • Breaded veal cutlet with panful of potatoes

    € 27,00
  • Beef fillet with mustard and panful of potatoes and onions

    € 27,00
  • Milanese Mondeghili (Tipica meatballs) on spinach bed

    € 17,00
  • Rolls of sea bass with asparagus on carrot cream

    € 18,00
  • Swordfish cutting with herbs

    € 19,00
  • Golden perch fillets with crunchy almonds on zucchini cream

    € 22,00
  • Millefeuille of vegetables with leeks cream

    € 16,00

All in one

  • Risotto milanese style with veal marrowbone on a delicate cream

    € 26,00
  • Rustin-negaa (roasted loin of veal) with risotto milanese style

    € 27,00
  • Shrimps spits on a pink sauce served with black rice

    € 25,00

    let’s finish with…

    • Our handmade cake

      dessert list at the moment
    • cover charge


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